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5 trends we're ditching in 2017

We all make mistakes, there is no doubt about that. But, to stop you from making any future fashion mistakes, here are the five trends we're leaving in 2016.

1. Extreme contouring. Every year beauty gurus urge to leave extreme contouring behind. Let’s face it, the art of contouring was sent down from the beauty gods, but it’s safe to say some people can take contouring too far. Yes, I said it, you can OVER contour. It's all about the subtleties as the point of contouring is to exaggerate the great features you already have, not create new ones entirely! I think ditch the extreme contour and be a little more subtle, you’ll thank me for it in five years when you look back at pictures of yourself!

2. Baking. It's a great way of keeping your makeup looking matte and keeping away that excess oil that we all know too well. I swear I spend half my life blotting with tissue paper that I’ve pulled ply from ply just to get rid of my greasy forehead, but please. I beg you. I urge you. Take a photo on your mobile with flash to see If your powder is reflective! We've all made the mistake, even the best of the best, like Kim Kardashian who has suffered this beauty malfunction. It's unnoticeable when you look in the mirror, but oooo gurl, that flash picks up everything! Also, don't bake your entire face, just your T-zone and the underneath of your eyes is enough.

3. Fake freckles. You either got it or you don't. One problem of 2016 is that girls lacked body confidence! 2017 is the time to embrace who you are. If you don't have freckles, it’s because you weren't supposed to. It’s time to embrace the skin you have, freckles or no freckles! Plus, people are going to wonder why some days you have freckles and why some days you don't.

4. Over lining your lips. Come on staaaap it! We can see that your lips aren’t really that big, over lining slightly is absolutely okay, but be sure to steer clear of anything that isn’t matte. Matte lips will hide that you’ve upped the ante on your original lip size, whereas if you wear a gloss you’re almost certain to see where your real lip ends and your new lip begins.

5. Finally, boob contouring. Girls, it’s time to embrace your bodies. Looking beautiful starts from feeling beautiful on the inside. You don't need to change a thing about you, especially the size of your boobs. The only thing you should be making bigger is your heart.


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