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Things only the eldest sibling would know

Being the eldest sibling isn’t always an easy task, and can sometimes feel like you’re looking after your younger siblings all the time. So, here are a few things you would only know if you are the eldest sibling.

1. Life started out pretty as a picture – before your younger sibling came along all the attention was on you, and your parents would give you their undivided attention. But then, you had to learn to share your time with your sibling, so you could both spend time with your parents.

2. You’re the guinea pig – Your parents will look at you without realising you're the test child. They will be testing all their parenting skills to see which ones work or not on you, so they can use the right ones on your younger siblings.

3. Sharing – You learnt from an early age that nothing in your room is sacred. As soon as your parents thought you had grown out of that old t-shirt that you loved it gets passed down to your sibling without a second thought.

4. You feel old - you suddenly realise that the older your younger siblings are getting, the older you’re getting. Scary right? So just remember when you’re thinking in the back of your head, I can’t wait for them to grow up, you might be starting to get grey hairs - or worse, start losing your hair!

5. Being over protective – no matter how much they annoy you, when you’re at home you’ll always be super protective over them. You are the only person that’s allowed to call them names, but no-one else can without having the wrath of the older sibling.

But no matter what, you will always love being related to your brothers and sisters, even if you were the guinea pig to start with.


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