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VIDEO review: Shills black face mask

Hi guys. I’ve seen a lot of this product plastered on the internet so I thought I’d give it a go myself.

It's been branded the world’s most painful mask, but I’m always up for a challenge.

I purchased the mask for £9.99 on eBay and when it finally arrived, I couldn't wait to try it out.

It aims to eliminate blackheads, help acne and get rid of excess oils. It also aims to brighten the skin for a youthful complexion.

That is a lot to ask from a mask that you only pay £9.99 for but since my bio-collagen mask was such a hit, I thought that anything is worth a try.

I set about putting the mask on my face. My first impression was that it was extremely black and thick in consistency. I covered my entire face, and here is what I found.

It said to leave the mask on for 30 minutes. After about 25 minutes it had fully hardened and was ready to pull off.

It was hard to find a place to pull off at first and it started coming off in really small pieces. In all the other tutorials I had seen it looked like it was coming off all in one piece.

Once I had started pulling some pieces off, the pain was so bad! I really thought that everybody else was over exaggerating.

As you can tell by my face, it was really uncomfortable.

After I had endured the most painful ten minutes of my life, my face felt really smooth. I did notice that it had pulled quite a lot of hairs out though. After inspecting the pieces thoroughly, it did, however, reveal that it had pulled out a lot of dirt and blackheads as well.

As painful as this was, my skin felt great for days afterwards. My pores looked cleaner and my skin overall felt much smoother.

I would definitely recommend this product unless you have a really bad tolerance for pain.

Hope you enjoyed watching. Go on, give it a go!


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