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5 ways to feel good about yourself

Ever find yourself struggling to get out of bed because you don’t feel ready to face the world? Well, we’re here to help put a stop to that horrible nagging feeling. Everyone should have the chance to feel happy every day, because there’s no real reason not to, is there?

Here are five of our best tips to help you feel better about yourself:

1. Start paying less attention to social media. Yes, social media may be fun, but spending lots of time flicking through other people's holiday snaps might not be all that good for your self-esteem. Whether you’re constantly spending your time looking at someones Facebook who seems to have it all or checking Instagram for updates of your favourite celebrity photos, we all need to stop comparing ourselves to other people. Analysing what someone else has against what you have is a bad idea – everyone is different! Instead of getting caught up in a constant self-loathing pit of jealousy, why not take some time away from social media and focus on doing activities that you enjoy instead?

2. Stop looking in a mirror so much. Yes I said it. I know lots of us love looking into a mirror multiple times a day to check whether our makeup or hair is still in place, but ask yourself - do you really need to? Constantly checking how you look allows time for you to notice flaws. Instead of taking a quick glance at yourself and thinking, ‘wow I look good today’ you’ll catch yourself staring for a few minutes, giving yourself enough time to focus on something you don’t feel good about, and instead you’ll begin to think, ‘wow my nose is so big’. Trust me on this one – try it for just a few days and I bet you’ll start feeling the results!

3. Look for the positives. So you’re having a bad day – you’ve woke up late, it’s been raining outside and on your walk to work you’ve managed to step in a huge puddle, to which you found out there’s a hole in your shoes and your feet are now going to be soaking wet for the rest of the day. Now, you could choose to be annoyed, setting you up for a bad day where every little thing that happens will irritate you more than normal. Or, you could choose to look at this as an amazing opportunity to go shoe shopping and finally buy that pair of shoes you’ve had your eye on for months. See, looking for the positives is easy, and can make such a difference to your day!

4. Stop wanting so much. If you expect a lot of things, unless you’re willing to really work hard for them, the probability is that you’ll be disappointed. Instead of wanting a million things at once, why not try focusing on a few things you really need at that present time, and spend time reaching those goals? Then, when you’ve reached them, you can have a new set of goals allowing for everything in your life to seem more achievable. Take things one step at a time and I assure you, everything will seem so much more in reach.

5. Get moving. Now I know that when you’re feeling down the last thing anyone wants is to get out of bed (that snuggly cave of warmth can seem like the most therapeutic thing in the world), but if you really want to start feeling better you need to get up and moving! Whether it’s a walk around the local park, a shopping trip, or just going for a run, moving is the best thing you can do to make yourself feel better. Moving kick-starts those all-loving endorphins, allowing you to have a happier, healthier lifestyle.


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