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5 tips to keep calm (and stay sassy)

Sad? Stressed? On the brink of crying, turning your room upside down and/or eating the entire contents of your own food cupboard?

When things are getting on top of you, it can feel as though you’re drowning in your own worries and stresses, and I, queen of meltdowns (just ask my housemates/boyfriend/parents/taxi driver) know how hard it is to just ‘snap out of it’.

I’ve listed my top five tips which I use to stay sane, happy and on the rails during stressful times. So, turn off Spotify’s mournful playlist, lay off the chocolate spread for a second (five mins max) and get reading.

1. Face the music: Some stresses can arise from small issues you’ve avoided for a while. I mean, mine wasn’t so small, mine in fact was a 10,000 word dissertation but you get the idea. Yank your head out the sand; acknowledge the issue, and work out a plan to resolve it.

Behind on work? Arrange a meeting with your tutor and explain; the chances are, you’re probably still able to pull it out the bag. Weight worries? Make a healthy eating plan, sign up to the gym, buy the gym gear, and get squatting.

Skint? Stop hiding from your bank balance, have a peak, then begin to budget - cut out the luxuries for a little while.

Issues you’ve been hiding from will seem so much more approachable once you’ve taken the first step to resolving them.

2. Make an adulty investment and buy a diary: Okay, I get my diary from Santa or mumsy every year but still, the thought is there. Diaries are the best idea (and cheapest idea) ever. Not only do they make you look productive, they make you FEEL productive and encourage you to BE productive too. Buy a diary, and unleash all those plans you have, on to the pages. Doctor’s appointment? Write it in. Gym plans? Write them in. Need to tidy your room? You know the score. Set yourself daily targets, and leave space so that you can tick them once you’ve done. It’s extremely uplifting to tick off your targets at the end of the day, and you can look back your week and see pure evidence of how productive and NON-useless you are.

3. Let it out giiiiirl: You aren’t made of stone, so be honest, and let someone know if you’re struggling, it’s okay to not be okay. It’s unhealthy to keep your feelings bottled up so let it out; ring up your mum, snuggle and snot all over your boyfriend, or just have a long cry in the bath/shower whilst (despite the tip about positive vibes only) listening to Sinead O'Connor. You’ll feel much better after you’ve cried or screamed a bit (or a lot). Mums, boyfriends, best friends or taxi drivers make the best people to cry and vent to, but, once it’s all out, you’re done.

4. Positive vibes: Surround yourself with positive vibes, and positive vibes only. Shut out the girl that’s rudely comparing her work to yours, quit reading the sad articles on issues that are out of your hands, and inject some positivity into your life. Spotify has some seriously uplifting music, play it during your morning shower; music has some serious mood-uplifting powers! Read and take in happy thoughts, Happy News is a site full of positive news from all around the world, take a read and restore some faith in humanity. Feeling and thinking positively will make you less likely to struggle mentally, when times are getting stressful.

5. Go crazy so you don’t go crazy: Forget about it all for a bit. Whether it’s for a few hours, or the whole weekend, take a break. Being physically or mentally busy all the time can really hammer you down, so take a breather and break the rules for a bit. Make pancakes, smother them in Reese’s chocolate spread and eat them for dinner, binge watch Netflix all night until you can hear the birds singing, buy a new pair of shoes that you don’t need, or turn up your speakers, and scream Avril Lavigne’s Skater boy at the top of your lungs. Whatever you decide to do, give it one hundred percent, forget your stresses for a bit and give those shoulders a rest. Giving yourself a break for a small amount of time will ensure you have a clearer mind for when you are ready to take on the world again. Now it’s time to pick yourself up, re-do your makeup, and take on the world like the sassy lady you are. #girlpower


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