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5 things people with anxiety are sick of hearing

Anxiety is a confusing thing to understand, even for people who suffer with its sometimes scary and uncontrollable ways, but just to be on the safe side, here’s some things I’d try to avoid saying to someone that you know feels anxious.

1. Just don’t panic.

That’s a really stupid thing to say to someone that suffers from anxiety. It’s like telling a cow not to moo or a sheep not to baa. It’s just not going to happen, as much as we want to stop panicking about the strangest (and smallest) things, we can’t.

2. What are you worrying over THAT for?

Wow, way to make us feel really pathetic. You might not know the answer to that question, but I can absolutely assure you, neither do we. It may seem really silly to worry about going to see your tutor about an essay question, or going to see a councillor to seek advice, but my oh my, it can be more difficult than you will ever understand.

3. Just try to relax.

Trying to get someone with anxiety to relax is about as hard as pulling the sword from the stone. Dream on.

4. Oh come on, come out tonight, stop being boring!

Sometimes, not all the time, but sometimes, people will anxiety don’t want to be stuck in a jam-packed club surrounded by hundreds of people that they don’t know. Especially if drinking alcohol makes you more anxious, which in some cases it does.

5. How can you have anxiety, you’re so confident?

Yes, yes, I know. I’m awfully bubbly with a cracking personality but that doesn’t mean that the slightest thing doesn’t put me on the edge of my seat, make my stomach churn, my hands shake and make me want to barf everywhere.

It’s so easy to say the above things to someone, especially when you don’t fully understand what anxiety can feel like. Instead, you could try a simple, “I’m here for you.”


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