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The golden rules of hair care

We straighten it, we curl it, we backcomb it. But do we really care for it?

Like any other part of your body, your hair is with you for life. Caring for it is simple, but in a world where you can style or dye it a thousand different colours, it’s easy to forget to give it the attention it needs.

Below are our golden rules of hair care to help you restore your locks back to their former glory.

1. Don’t over wash it.

People forget just how bad it is for your hair to wash it every day. Washing your hair only two or three days a week will help your hair to keep producing those natural oils designed to condition and protect itself against damage.

2. Use less shampoo.

Most of us grab the shampoo bottle in the morning and squeeze out a huge amount into the palm of our hands, because the more shampoo the better, right? Actually, we are doing it all wrong. Research shows that actually the less shampoo you use the better it is for your hair. Also, remember that you should only be applying shampoo to the roots of your hair. The ends of your hair will get shampoo on them as you wash it out, and any poor split ends definitely don’t need to be scrubbed clean!

3. Avoid hot water.

Hot water is really bad for your hair. But if like me you can’t stand the thought of a cold shower, why not after conditioning give your hair a 30 second blast of cold water? This will stop your hair from drying out and creating tangles which can lead to breakage.

4. Brush your hair twice a day, from ends to roots.

Everyone knows that brushing your hair everyday can be very beneficial. But did you know you’ve probably been brushing your hair wrong? If you want the healthiest hair possible, you should be brushing from ends to roots so that you avoid split ends.

5. Cut back on heated products.

No matter how much heat protection spray you use, your hair will still never be fully protected from high temperatures. It’s important not to use heat-styling products daily to optimise hair health, especially if you have coloured hair. Colour will not cling to damaged hair as well as it would healthy hair, so if you love your coloured locks, remember to treat them well!

6. Use the correct oil for your hair.

Whenever you go to the hairdressers they always spray a million products in your hair, but never really tell you what they are. But one of these many products will almost certainly be a moisturising oil suited to your hair type. This can be anything from Moroccan oil (best for damaged hair) to castor oil (best for dandruff). Using these specially formulated oils enriched with fatty acids can help to protect your hair from splitting.


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